Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación (CTC)

Visit website: http://www.ctnc.es/

The National Technological Center of the Canning and Food (CTC) has its origin in the Research Association of the Industriy of Vegetable Preserves (AICV), founded in 1962. Currently, it  functions as a technology centre that serves as a basic infrastructure for assistance and the technological development of enterprises of  the  agro-food  sector.  It  offers  technology  pilot  plant  services,  development  of  new  products  and technologies  applied  to  the  sector,  management  of  quality,  research  and  development  assistance, collaborates  in  the  implementation  of  business  projects,  environmental  management  of  businesses, environmental  projects  applied  to  agro-business  development,  technology  transfer,  organization  of congresses and national and international symposium and training,  among others, for  morre than 100 associates and 500 collaborators.

CTS is  a non profit organization, which is  recognized by the Spanish Government as an Innovation and Technological Centre (CIT-51), an office of transfer of research results (OTRI), and it is declared of public use (INT 445/2004 Order dated January 15th).

CTC has experience in European projects: EUROMANAGEMENT; MED BIO Distri - INTERREG III B MEDOCC; FOOD SAFE - LEONARDO DA VINCI; Sustainable Technology for Economic Processing (STEP) - Interreg IIIB MEDOCC; Strategic Intelligence and Innovative Clusters (Stratinc) - INTERREG IIIC. In National and Regional R&D projects, CTC carries out several activities like development of molecular methods (PCR and DNA Arrays) for identifying and/or quantifying transgenic DNA in food products. For  all  these  activities,  CTC has  six  labs  (physic-chemical  and  sensorial  lab,  microbiology,  containers, instrumental, food safety and water and environment) and a technology area with a pilot plant with the mayority of agrofood processes.